



8:00 順次登園
9:00 朝の会 今月のうた 手遊び 絵本の読み聞かせ
9:30 水分補給 おやつ 外あそび 散歩
11:00 お昼ごはん
13:00 お昼寝
15:00 おやつ
15:30~16:00 帰りの会 順次降園

Childcare content
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 A day in the Life
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8:00   Drop-off
9:00    Morning homeroom   Song of the month    Hand games   Picture book reading

9:30   Hydration   Snack   Outdoor play   Walk
11:00  Lunch
13:00  Afternoon nap
15:00  snack
15: 30-16: 00  
Afternoon homeroom   Pick-up

● 社会的責任


● 人権尊重


● 説明責任


● 情報保護


● 苦情解決


● 情報開示


● Shakaitekisekinin tekisetsuna shisetsu to shite katei ya chiiki ni taishi, hoiku-shitsu no yakuwari o hatashimasu. 

● Jinken sonchō hoiku-shi wa hoiku no itonami ga kodomonojinken o mamoru tame ni hōteki, seido-teki ni uradzuke rareru koto o ninshiki shi, rikai shimasu. 

● Setsumei sekinin hogo-sha, chiiki to renkei o hakari, tōmei-sei no aru un'ei o suru kotode ippō-tekina `setsumei'de wanaku wakari yasuku ōtō-tekina `setsumei' o shimasu. 

● Jōhō hogo hoiku ni atari shiri eta hogo-sha ya kodomo no jōhō wa, seitōnariyū naku morasu koto wa arimasen. (Jidō fukushi-hō dai 18-jō no 22) 

● kujō kaiketsu kujō taiō madoguchi, tantōsha, kujō kaiketsu sekininsha no setchi o okonai, shomen ni okeru taisei no seibi o okonai zen shokuin-kan de kyōtsū rikai o hakarimasu. 

● Jōhō kaiji riyōsha no motome ni yori jōhō o kaiji shimasu.

● Social responsibility

As an appropriate facility, we will fulfill our role as an educational facility for families the community

● Respect for human Rights

Nursery school teachers recognize and understand that childcare practices are legally and institutionally supported to protect the human rights of children.

● Accountability

We will collaborate with parents and the local community, and by operating with transparency, we will provide easy-to-understand and responsive explanations rather than one-sided explanations."

● Information Protection

Information about parents and children obtained in the course of childcare will not be divulged without justifiable reason. (Article 18-22 of the Child Welfare Law)

● Complaint Resolution

We will set up a complaint management desk, a person in charge, and a person in charge of complaint resolution, and establish a written system to ensure common understanding among all employees.

 Disclosure of Information

Information will be disclosed at the request of the user.